Changing the way you eat and finding easy ways to prepare healthy meals can seem like a daunting task. It’s so easy to slip back into past habits if we don’t have the tools we need to change and healthy recipes are an essential health tool. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to stay on track with your nutritional goals by providing you with a recipe box full of delicious meal and snack ideas. Whether you have food sensitivities and allergies or just want nutritious meals, I cover everything right here. And be sure to visit the recipe box often as I add new recipes. Enjoy!
- aip
- air
- bean free
- beef
- bone broth
- carrot
- chicken
- chocolate
- coconut
- corn bread
- dairy free
- egg free
- fat bomb
- fermented
- gaps
- gelatin
- gluten free
- grain free
- gummy
- gut health
- high fat
- instant pot
- keto
- keto2
- keto3
- ketogenic diet
- kids
- leaky gut
- low carb
- low carb high fat
- meat stock
- mexican food
- muffins
- nightshade
- nut free
- paleo
- paleo dessert
- pumpkin
- refined sugar free
- salted caramel
- soup
- sugar free
- vegan
Egg-free Eggnog (dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free, Keto, Paleo, vegan)
Eggnog is a must in our house during the holidays. As you may know, most store-bought eggnogs are full of sugar and other additives….
Green Chocolate Smoothie
My Green Chocolate Smoothie is just sweet enough, without the addition of any fruit or processed sugar.
Homemade Nut Milk (technique)
Homemade Nut Milk is easy to make and both cheaper and healthier than buying it at the store.
Keto Green Smoothie (recipe template) (dairy-free, sugar-free, Keto, Paleo, GAPS, vegan option)
How do you make a Keto smoothie taste good without added dairy, fruit, or sugar? Easy answer – my Keto Green Smoothie!
Matcha Latte (dairy-free, sugar-free, Keto, Paleo)
Finally! A great-tasting Matcha Latte that is dairy-free, sugar-free, and low carb/high fat.
Beet Kvass (sugar-free, Paleo, Keto, GAPS, vegan)
Beet Kvass has quickly become one of my favorite drinks. Like Kombucha, it is a traditional drink that contains probiotics and enzymes and has tons of great health benefits.
Green Smoothie (dairy-free, Paleo, Keto,)
Try substituting this low-carb, Keto Green Smoothie when you don’t have time to put together a proper meal for yourself. Most smoothies are loaded with fruit and have a high sugar content making them more suitable for a dessert, not a meal.
Fat Fueled Chai Nightcap
In addition to starting your morning with a Bulletproof Coffee or Tea, it’s a good idea to end your day with a powerful beverage to help you sleep through the night.