Has your health been slowing you down, are you unsure how to feed yourself, overtired, moody, and feeling too much pain in your own body? Are you envious of people with a lot of energy and confidence? Do you want to feel radiant, get more accomplished, get sick less, and end each day feeling energized?

If you are struggling with your health, mind, and body and you probably experience things like:

  • Excess weight

  • Low energy/chronic fatigue

  • Brain Fog

  • Headaches

  • Low self-esteem

  • Food cravings

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Anxiety or Depression

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Digestive Distress (bloating, pain, belching, reflux, gas)

  • Chronic pain and stiffness

  • Inflammation

  • Joint Pain

  • Frequent colds or flu

  • Acne or eczema

Experience your full potential and live a vibrant life. Finally resolve your chronic health issues, become free from food cravings, decrease pain and inflammation, and have more energy to do the things you love.

This is a 4-6 month program including a powerful combination of nutritional therapy, detoxing therapies, and functional testing to change the quality of your life. Together we will discover the underlying causes of your health challenges and create a Personalized Nutrition Plan supporting a new strategy for your future.

With a functional approach to Nutrition, your life will transform. As we re-establish your health, you will lose weight, increase your mental clarity and stamina, become confident with food choices, let go of cravings, reverse your path towards disease, and feel amazing in your body.

It’s not a diet; it’s a new lifestyle and a new relationship with food.  No more counting calories!

Take care of your body; it’s the only place you have to live in.

We will work together to reach each of your health goals, confront your challenges and uncertainties around food, figure out which of your systems is out of balance; use testing diving deeply to determine the underlying cause of your unique health challenges.

Following a functional medicine and nutritional 5R model my tried and true PURE health renovating method integrates a full systems approach to rebalance your entire lifestyle:


We will exchange your current health and body stasis with a new amazing you. The chronic symptoms and bad habits that are limiting your confidence and vitality will disappear so that you can get your life back, and experience more energy, focus, and happiness.


  • Naturally lose weight

  • Discover your unique food intolerances/sensitivities

  • Resolve digestive distress

  • Improve your body image and have radiant skin

  • Boost your immune system

  • Become a Fat Burner

  • Release old patterns of resistance and avoidance

  • Triple your energy

  • Increase your cognitive function

  • Let go of pain and tension in your body

  • Improve your physical performance

  • And more…..

While you work with me we will establish a personalized nutrition and health plan just for you so you, will be absolutely confident knowing what to eat and what not to eat and how each of your choices affects your blood sugar, energy, digestive health, moods, and more.

You will absolutely understand how, in your unique body, every bite you take either feeds disease or fights it. There is no one size fits all approach to nutritional therapy. I will help you apply new bio-individual dietary strategies so you can continue to create real health every day for the rest of your life!

“The Food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” –Ann Wigmore

I’d like to personally invite you to join me in this revolutionary program:

This Complete Health Overhaul is a 4-6 month commitment you make to yourself that has the potential to change your life. In these next few months, you will create healthy dietary and lifestyle habits that will serve you well for life. You will also have a deeper understanding of how your body is reacting and how it works so you’ll know specifically what to change and how to troubleshoot when roadblocks appear. Let’s be honest, life can throw us a curveball, and learning the tools to handle it is key to staying course and keeping to your health goals.

“I can’t say enough about Vonni’s approach, I was amazed at how accurate Vonni’s muscle testing was in determining the type of foods I should avoid as well as even some of the supplements I’d been taking. The most valuable part of working with Vonni was learning that my sugar cravings were the result of my imbalanced diet. When I learned to replace carbohydrates with healthy fats and vegetables, I realized I did not physically miss the sugars I eliminated from my diet. I also learned that although some foods may be deemed healthy, they were not compatible with me.”



  • 4-6 months of Individualized Nutritional Therapy Coaching: Each month receive two private Nutritional Therapy appointments either in person or over the phone.

  • One initial Comprehensive Nutritional Therapy Evaluation including extensive health history, food journal, exclusive nutritional health assessment, and in-depth functional evaluation to determine your individual starting point.

  • Specific Food Sensitivity/Intolerance testing and Functional lab testing (at an extra fee): Finally know which particular foods have been doing more harm than good and why. Establish a specific program to support and heal your gut.

  • If we determine together it’s needed, we will run advanced clinical testing to dig deep into your personal health struggles to get to the root cause of your symptoms. (Additional cost for testing.)

  • Specific recipes and food lists tailored to your individual health challenges and food restrictions.

  • Blood Glucose Monitoring Protocol:  Discover your unique ability to handle all carbohydrates. Follow detailed instructions to balance your blood sugar, lower inflammation, and manage stress.

  • Monthly Accountability: Tracking forms, checklists, and quizzes to record your progress, refine your goals, stay on track, and measure your success.

  • Unlimited email support: I am here to support you! You will have the freedom to ask me your questions as they arise.

Want to go even deeper? I recommend you add Functional Testing to “see” yourself from the inside

Add your Stool Test, Food Sensitivity Test, and Functional Blood Testing to The Complete Health Overhaul Package for a 20% discount

Details Coming Soon!

“Disease goes away as a side effect of creating health” –Mark Hyman MD


Want to read about my own Personal Health Transformation and why you should work with me?  Click here

Still have questions or want to talk about your specific health challenges?  Call me! Click here to schedule a FREE Discovery Session to receive clarity on your questions and figure out if the Complete Health Overhaul is right for you.

  • “I am a very active person and not overweight by any means. I had no idea how much my body could still change. Although I am older, I feel leaner and have more energy than when I was younger. Working with Vonni has resulted in a significant improvement in my physical performance. I feel that the changes I have made will help me reach my full physical and mental potential well into my 40s, 50s, and beyond. Historically I was always under the impression that you could “exercise” your way out of a bad diet. This resulted in me doing very strenuous exercise to the point of excess. Now I realize that with a proper diet, I can “workout” less while still improving physically (I run faster, ski longer, etc.) without the detriment that excessive physical activity can bring. I no longer get overuse injuries nor do I feel fatigued.”


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