Keto Green Smoothie (recipe template) (dairy-free, sugar-free, Keto, Paleo, GAPS, vegan option)
How do you make a Keto smoothie taste good without added dairy, fruit or sugar? Easy answer – my Keto Green Smoothie! Even better than just one delicious recipe, I’ve created a recipe template that you can easily follow to make smoothies with the perfect macros to be a small plant-based Keto meal. Smoothies that are loaded with fiber, protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients to supercharge your day. You’ll have tons of options for creating flavorful dairy-free, fruit-free, sugar-free Keto Green Smoothies.
Having a Keto Green Smoothie is a little bit like having a blended salad in terms of nutrient content, but don’t worry your smoothie won’t taste anything like a blended salad. Truthfully the smoothie ingredient options I give you in this recipe template have a higher nutrient profile than most salads do, and they taste delicious.
Use this Keto Green Smoothie template as your go-to base. Then select from my list of suggestions for ingredients to add to the base. I give you my favorite ideas, but your options list can grow to tons more. You may add any of your own favorite ingredients if they have no added sugars and their net carb count is low. You could add 1/4-1/2 cup of berries, as long as it keeps your carb count low enough, or if you are not strict Keto, or if you just plain want to. Don’t skip adding protein to your green smoothie. It helps balance your hormones, keeps your mood stable, feeds you lean muscle tissue, and makes your smoothie a meal.
In the recipe end notes, I’ve shared some additional options. These go beyond the flavor option chart. They are intended to speed up the fat/Keto-adaptation process by helping to shift your metabolism to fat burning,
Making Your Tasty Keto Green Smoothie – In 5 Simple Steps
Add the Greens — Grab a couple of big handfuls of spinach, lettuce, kale, chard, or collards. If you are a little nervous about adding so many greens because of the bitter flavor just start slow and gradually increase to 2 cups. Spinach is the sweetest green and seems to have the most benign flavor in smoothies. Lettuce is also a good option to start with and work your way up to ‘greener’ greens.
Add the Fat — Fats will add flavor and make your smoothie creamy. Fats are also full of nutrients and something we all want to concentrate on eating more of on any low-carb diet. Add coconut cream, avocado, macadamia nuts, Pili nuts, pecans, nut butter, or coconut butter. Please don’t skip this step. If you have more healthy fat ideas be sure to let me know.
Add the Protein — My favorite protein to add to smoothies is collagen protein because it has so many amazing health benefits, like promoting gut healing, aiding in digestion, boosting immune function, increasing energy, improving skin tone and texture, and strengthening hair and nails. I love Perfect Keto flavored collagens and these are really one of the secrets to a great tasting green smoothie. For unflavored collagen Vital Proteins is my first choice. Vital Proteins also have an excellent marine collagen. There are also some great vegan protein options to try, but just be aware of any digestive discomfort, as some people are sensitive to pea protein. Adding between 15-25 grams of protein is a good amount.
Add Some Extra Vegetables — Remember you may be making this smoothie a meal so by adding more vegetables you can make sure you are getting enough substance, enough calories, and enough fiber. Extra vegetables will also make your smoothie nice and thick if you like it that way. Try adding a couple of broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, a chunk of cucumber, some chopped celery, or green cabbage. Experiment with different veggies to see what you like best.
Add the Extras — Add some micronutrients, seeds, flavors, and textures to make it unique. You can add more textures and leave them unblended if you plan to eat your smoothie with a spoon. If you are using an unflavored collagen powder feel free to adjust your addition of sweeteners as needed. You can use a small amount of powdered or liquid stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol as safe low-carb sweeteners.
Some of the extra options I recommend

Keto Smoothie (recipe template)
- 1 ½-2 cups filtered water
- 2 cups greens - like spinach, kale, collards, chard, lettuces, parsley, basil
- 1/2 cup vegetables like cucumber, celery, broccoli florets, cauliflower, green cabbage
- 1/2 cup coconut milk, full-fat
- 1/4 cup healthy fat source
- 1-2 scoops of collagen protein or your choice of protein
- 1 cup ice cubes optional, if you like it cold
- 1 tbsp. seeds see the options chart for ideas
- 1/2-1 tsp. spice and flavor see the option chart for ideas
- pinch sea salt
- 1 scoop powdered green My favorite is Garden of Life Raw Organic Perfect Food Green Superfood Juiced Greens Powder
- Chop up the vegetables and greens.
- Measure out your healthy fat choice.
- Add ice cubes if you prefer a cold smoothie
- Put the greens, extra vegetables, protein, fats, micronutrient extras, and coconut milk into your high-powered blender* with filtered water and blend on high or in smoothie mode for 30-45 seconds.
- Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.
Optional extras for speeding your transition to ketosis or getting you back into it. 1 tbsp. MCT Oil or 1 scoop MCT Oil Powder ½ -1 scoop Exogenous Ketones-Keto Base ½-1 serving Electrolyte Powder 1 Tbsp. Fiber, psyllium husk for additional fiber and bulk *My favorite blender is Blendtec
Nutrition Facts
82Sat. Fat
5Net carbs