Keto Pili Nut Brownies (vegan, Paleo, sugar free, dairy free)
Rich, chewy, double chocolate brownies made with the amazing Pili nuts (or macadamia nuts)!
Introducing another rich, chewy chocolaty dessert!
Still grain-free, still egg-free, and still low carb.
This rendition is made with one of my favorite nuts, the Pili nut. The Pili nut was first introduced to me about 4 years ago when I met Jason from the original Pili Hunters at a Nutritional Therapy Conference near Portland, Oregon.
What struck me most was the fact that he travels to the Philippines to work alongside his Pili nut friends and employees for 2-3 months out of every year. Everything is done in an uber-sustainable way and wild-harvested (no mono-cropping). They are organic and sprouted, and no pesticides or fertilizers ever come close to them!
Jason has totally immersed himself in this Pili nut culture himself!
The Pili Nut
If you don’t know much about the Pili nut, you’ve got to check out their nutritional profile! They are the ultimate Keto-friendly nuts!
They are nutritionally dense in fat and low in carbs, even more so than my second favorite nut (macadamia). And when paired next to almonds, which have 12 grams of carbs per ¼ cup, Pili nuts have just 1 net carb.
How’s that for low carb?
For the time being, I continue to use almond flour in this recipe. But that’s only because I am waiting patiently for a Pili Nut flour to come out! Maybe I should reach out to Jason about that?
What makes these Keto brownies so rich, chewy, and delicious?
Besides the smoothness from the rich Pili nuts, this recipe includes:
Ground flax seed
Coconut oil
Raw cacao powder
Dark chocolate
Keto friendly sweeteners
Now, I understand that not everyone has access to Pili Nuts so if that’s you, feel free to substitute with macadamia nuts in this Keto brownie recipe.
But if you have a chance to give them a try, please do! Head over to Pili Hunters website and place an order. Or you can check Thrive Market because I know they sell some as well!
A few notes on this recipe
If you don’t want to use a blender to make your own nut butter check out my other low-carb Paleo brownie recipe here or look at my no-bake raw brownies which you don’t even have to wait to bake. You can always add some chopped Pili or macadamia nuts on top too.
I’d also love to know, what are your favorite nut flours to use in cooking and baking? Maybe I’ll try swapping out the almond flour for one of your choices so leave me a comment below!

Keto Pili Nut Brownies (vegan, Paleo, dairy free, sugar free)
- 3/4 cup almond flour
- 3/4 cup pili nuts or macadamia nuts
- 1/3 cup cacao powder
- 1/2 cup erythritol or monk fruit
- 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips or 4 ounces 85% chocolate stevia sweetened are the lowest carb
- 1/3 cup coconut oil or avocado oil
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3 tbsp ground flax seed
- 1/2 cup warm water
- Presoak the ground flax seed with the 1/2 cup of warm water for 10-15 minutes
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line an 8x8 baking pan with parchment paper, or grease the baking pan.
- Blend the pili nuts or macadamia nuts with coconut oil in a high-powered blender until smooth and creamy. This will be a thin nut butter consistency.
- Next, blend the dark chocolate chips right into the nut butter mixture. You can do it this way instead of melting the chocolate.
- Add all the dry ingredients (almond flour, sweetener, cacao powder, soda, and salt) to a medium-sized mixing bowl and mix together until well combined
- Add the soaked ground flaxseed and the nut butter mixture from the blender into the dry ingredients. Mix until all combined.
- Spread the brownie batter into the lined or greased 8x8 baking pan.
- Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out fairly clean.
- Let cool for at least 30 minutes before serving.
Feel free to use any dark chocolate in this recipe, I do recommend staying above 85% though. You can use 100% baking chocolate also if you'd like.
Also, make sure your pili or macadamia nuts blend up completely in your high-powered blender so that it is a very smooth consistency.
Make sure to let them cool completely or they may be a little soft. They will firm up perfectly once they have cooled.
Nutrition Facts
15Sat. Fat
3Net carbs